Cool treats for your horse this summer

Temperatures are rising here in the UK during the heatwave. It is important to keep both you and your horse hydrated. The Horse Exchange have put together some fun treat ideas for keeping your horse cool this summer.
- Bobbing apples – just like at a children’s party! Place apples in a bucket of water and encourage your horse to a healthy snack, as well as to drink more water and stay cool!
- Fruit and vegetables bunting – using bailer twine make bunting by threading apples and carrots. Once full of fruit and vegetables, freeze the bunting and then hang up in your horses stable or paddock. The horses will feel refreshed from the frozen fruit and vegetables.
- Watermelon slices – juicy watermelon is 90% water and a delicious way to re hydrate you and your horse. Most horses love it! They can eat both the watermelon and the rind and its an easy way to keep them cool.
- Ice lollies – you can make ice lollies for your horse using whatever food is in their normal diet like apples and carrots. Fill a bucket full of water, apples and carrots and freeze overnight. Your horse will stay cool whilst enjoying licking the ice to get to the fruits and vegetables.
Although these are easy ways to encourage your horse to keep hydrated; and we know your horse will enjoy their cool treats! It is important to remember to feed in moderation – don’t go overboard on the cool treats!